Math 595, "Higher Category Theory & Quasicategories" (Rezk, 443 Altgeld Hall, MWF 1-2).

Here is the course announcement.

Important note. The meetings for this week (W 2 Feb and F 4 Feb) will be online. Zoom link here.

The first two meetings (W 19 Jan and F 21 Jan) will be via Zoom. You should have received an email with a Zoom link for Wednesday's meeting. If you haven't (or would like to "sit in" on this lecture even if you are not enrolled), email me and I will send you one.

Here are the course notes. Note: these are automatically re-TeX-ed and updated daily. This means that the date on the document does not reflect the last time I made any changes to it. Conversely, if the date on the document is old, it means that the automatic update failed: please let me know if this happens. Note (July 2021): the above notes have been revised extensively. The older version is here. Here are recordings and notes from the Zoom meetings.

Last modified 4 February 2022 by Charles Rezk. Email: